Armory Show — harlan erskine — photography/blog — harlan erskine

Armory Show

New York Armory Week 2010, Day 3 - PULSE and a Swimming Cities fundraiser.

The entrance to the PULSE Contemporary Art Fair 2010.

PULSE Contemporary Art Fair 2010.

Pulse was small and bite sized compared with the Armory. Much easier to take in but the overall complexity of the work wasn't up to the same level. Still an enjoyable experience.

Dionisio Gonzalez, "Halong IX," 2009 at ftc gallery, Berlin, Germany.

Frank Breuer, "Untitled," 2009 at ftc gallery, Berlin, Germany.
This sculptural layout of well shot photography would have had a better impact if the wall wasn't made so poorly with no attention to details.

Geissler & Sann, "The real estate #12," (left) and "The real estate #13," (right) both 2009 at ftc gallery, Berlin, Germany.
These "real estate" images are a nice echo on the current state of the economy.

Johannes Girardoni, "Exposed Icon #5," 2009 at Lukas Feichtner gallery, Vienna, Austria.

Barry Frydlender, at Andrea Meislin Gallery, New York, NY.

Sangbin IM, "Armory 2008," 2008 at Mary Ryan Gallery, New York, NY.

Carlo Van der Roer, From top row right to left: "Christelle Imperial de Castro," 2008. "Taika Waititi," 2008. "Yoko Okutsu," 2008. "Aurel Schmidt 2," 2009. "Sara Rossein," 2009. "Terence Koh," 2008. at M+B gallery, Los Angles, CA.

Carlos and Jason Sanchez, "The Baptism," 2003 (left) and "Masked," 2007 (right) at Caren Golden Fine Art, New York, NY.
I am quite curious how a show of Jason and Carlos Sanchez would look since many of their images are strong and don't fit together in a traditional way.

Carlos and Jason Sanchez, "Atomic Bomb Dome Hiroshima," 2010 at Nicholas Metivier Gallery

Jeremy Dean, "CEO Stagecoach (Black)," (from the series Futurama Mini) 2009 at CTS creative thriftshop.

Kiel Johnson, "POLAROID," and other cameras, 2010 Davidson Contemporary, New York, NY.

THE SWIMMING CITIES OF THE OCEAN OF BLOOD - silent auction and fundraiser.

The SWIMMING CITIES art collective is held a art auction fundraiser for their upcoming sculptural boat and performance project on the Ganges River, in India, 2010. The event was hosted at WALKER STAGE at 56 Walker St. in Tribeca. The event will include the unveiling of the first finished boat prototype, an 18′x8′ hand-crafted stainless steel catamaran, powered by a motorcycle driven paddle wheel. Music will be provided by eclectic NYC underground DJ’s Small Change, Matt Shadetek, and DJ 2melo.

The auction will included 100+ works, all members or friends of Swimming Cities including: Swoon, Thomas Beale, ImminentDisaster, Ben Mortimer, Ero, Tod Seeley, Ben Wolfe, Pork, Tony Bones, Jeff Stark, Isaac Aden, Ariel Campos, Gregg Henderson, Leslie Stem, Lopi, Katelan Foisey, Iris Stvn Lason, Spy, Sarah Aller, Matt Curtis, Petric Seeley, Zev David Deans, Elizabeth Bentley, Hannah Mishin, Orien McNeill, Ksenjiya, Angie Kang, Ben Devoe, Czack Tucker, Heather Jones, Noah Sparks, Porter Fox, Tim Treason, Ayen Tran, Dan Sabau, Virginia Reath, Clair Huntington, and Kara Blosom.

Someone bidding on a work by SWOON

Revving up the boat prototype.

Revving up the boat prototype.

New York Armory Week 2010, Day 2 - Rosson Crow opening at Deitch Projects.

For day 2 of Armory Week I made it to one opening: Painter, Rosson Crow's opening "Bowery Boys," at Deitch Projects. Sadly, this will be one of the last shows for this storied art gallery before Owner Jeffery Deitch takes off for LA.

I don't normally cover painting in this blog. Partly because I'm just not excited by most painting--not excited enough to talk about it on a blog that is. But this show is exactly the space where I think painting is most exciting. Rosson Crow's large-scaled oil painting skillfully depict rooms which at times feel photographic. They reference photographic realism while exploring painting's abstraction and color pallet. The most successful pieces in the show were when the viewer became emerged into the spaces but then the 3 dimensional space is broken down in a way that only painting can do.

The scene outside of Deitch Projects.

Rosson Crow at Deitch Projects front desk.

Rosson Crow sporting a flowing red dress that seemed to match her paintings at Deitch Projects.

Rosson Crow, Barber Shop, 2009-2010, Oil, acrylic and enamel on canvas, 96 x 168 inches, 243.8 x 426.7 cm

Rosson Crow, "Bowery Station," 1982, 2010, Oil, acrylic and enamel on canvas Overall dimensions: 108 x 288 (274.3 x 731.5 cm)

Rosson Crow, "Bowery Station," (detail) 1982, 2010, Oil, acrylic and enamel on canvas Overall dimensions: 108 x 288 (274.3 x 731.5 cm)

Rosson Crow, "The Pop Shop," 2010, Oil, acrylic and enamel on canvas 108 x 144 inches, 274.3 x 365.8 cm

Rosson Crow, "The Pop Shop," (detail) 2010, Oil, acrylic and enamel on canvas 108 x 144 inches, 274.3 x 365.8 cm

Rosson Crow, "The Dakis Joannou Collection at the New Museum," 2010, Oil, acrylic and enamel on canvas, 108 x 144 inches. 274.3 x 365.8 cm

The crowd at the Rosson Crow opening at Deitch Projects.

Rosson Crow, "The Bang Bang Room," 2010, Oil, acrylic and enamel on canvas, 108 x 144 inches, 274.3 x 365.8 cm

Rosson Crow, "Untiltled (opium den)," 2009, Oil, acrylic and enamel on canvas, 96 x 144 inches, 243.8 x 365.8 cm
Is that Zac Posen in front of this painting? I didn't notice him until I started putting together this post.

The crowd at the Rosson Crow opening at Deitch Projects.

New York Armory Week 2010, Day 1

The First Day of The Armory Show was cold wet and windy. Like last year, the show took place at Pier 92 and 94 on the west side of Manhattan island.

I'm posting these images from the art fairs of a few weeks ago. I had some web hosting issues that I had to deal with before I could post this. Hopefully, all of that is now sorted out and now I can move on the solving the Blogger FTP issues I'm going to have when Blogger ends FTP service May 1st.

This year's Armory Show was an overload of art, just like every art fair. The general mood was more upbeat then last and it seemed like buyers were out shopping for deals. While many people are turned off by the art fair experience, they need to understand their place and they have an idea of what to expect. In general an art fair is not a full serving of what an artist or gallery is about. Art fairs are similar to tasting small samples of food from various chefs. Fairs give you a general idea of their flavors and the current trends. Like sampling food, an art fair is not, in most cases, the best way to view art. But it is a fantastic snapshot of the art world--like supplying bite sized samplers for the viewer to try and see if they want to experience the 5 course fixed price meal.

I arrived to the The Armory Show the morning of the opening day for the press preview, several hours before the VIPs were admitted. Here is a collection of the art that caught my attention. I'll post more pictures of Art Fair Week soon.

Glenn D. Lowry, the current Director of the Museum of Modern Art (MoMA) gave an opening talk to the press at The Armory Show. We were offered a glass of champagne. Then he discussed the upcoming art fair week and gushed about New York's great culture of the arts. He didn't take any questions from the crowd.

An overview of the Modern wing of The Armory Show.

Gregory Crewdson, Untitled, 2007 at Galerie Daniel Templon, Paris, France.

Nathalia Edenmont, Self Portrait (Death Bed), 2007 at Wetterling Gallery, Stockholm, Sweden.

Michael Wolf, Transparent City #39 (on left) and #78 (on right) both 2007 at Bruce Silverstein Gallery, New York, NY.

While I mostly was looking at photographic art that I find interesting / good this painting by Marc Trujillo really stopped me in my tracks. In this painting, 200 East Cypress it is like he is referencing photographers like Brian Ulrich. I love the expressions he captures in the people. At Hirschl & Adler Modern, New York, NY.

Marc Trujillo, 200 East Cypress (detail), 2009 at Hirschl & Adler Modern, New York, NY.

Andy Warhol, Campbell's Soup Can, Chicken with Rice. 1966.

Hiroshi Sugimoto, Neanderthal (top), 1994. Hyena-Jackal-Vulture (bottom), 1976. At Alan Koppel Gallery, Chicago, IL. These were particularly nice to see since I recently visited the "The Museum of Unnatural History" show at Clamp Art that heavily referenced this work.

Yves Klein and Harry Shunk, The Painter Casts Himself Into The Void!, 1960. At Alan Koppel Gallery, Chicago, IL. Finally I get to see the real "falling" image I included in my blog post Common Themes: Falling in Contempory Photography .

A salon-style booth at Winter Works on Paper, Brooklyn, NY.

Ed Ruscha, Gasoline Stations portfolio, 1962. Ten 19 X 23 inch Geltin Silver Prints. Printed 1989 at Yancey Richardson Gallery, New York, NY.

Thomas Downing, "Untitled," 1965 at Gary Snyder Project Space, New York, NY.

Bernd and Hilda Becher, Stone Breakers, 1987-1992. At Springer and Winckler Galerie, Berlin, Germany.

Georges Rousse, "Chambery 1," 2008. At Springer and Winckler Galerie, Berlin, Germany.

Georges Rousse, "Matadero 1," 2007. At Springer and Winckler Galerie, Berlin, Germany.

Arnold Odermatt, "Ennetmoos" 1979 at Springer and Winckler Galerie, Berlin, Germany.

Arnold Odermatt,from top: "Stans," 1971, "Oberdorf," 1964, "Sans," 1964. Springer and Winckler Galerie, Berlin, Germany.

Ed Ruscha, "Double Light Leak," 2005. At Edward Tyler Nahem, New York, NY.

An overview of the Contemporary wing of The Armory Show.

Stairway to the Modern wing of The Armory Show.

Yunho Kim, "1,000 Different Buses which I met in Berlin #1," 2006-2007 at ONE AND J. Gallery, Seoul, Korea.

Yunho Kim, "1,000 Different Buses which I met in Berlin #1," (detail) 2006-2007 at ONE AND J. Gallery, Seoul, Korea.

Brendan Fowler at Rental Gallery, New York, NY.

Brendan Fowler at , (detail)Rental Gallery, New York, NY.

Matt Chambers, at Rental Gallery, New York, NY

Matt Chambers, at Rental Gallery, New York, NY

Matt Chambers, at Rental Gallery, New York, NY

Peter Liversidge, "Proposal for the Armory Show no. 2 Little by little…" 15 different coloured neons, 5 transformers, power supply, 2010 at Ingleby Gallery, Edinburgh, Scotland.

Sze Tsung Leong, From the Horizons Series 2006-2007 at Yossi Milo Gallery, New York, NY.

Adam McEwen solo show at Nicole Klagsbrun Gallery, New York, NY.

Richard Mosse, "Miss Piggy Churchill," 2009 at Jack Shainman Gallery, New York, NY.

Ori Gersht, Fix in Time, from Evaders series at Noga Gallery of Contemporary Art, Tel Aviv, Israel.

Garanni Cartell, at Galerie Nikolaus Ruzicska, Salzburg Austria.

Joan Jonas "Volcano Saga" 1985. "Performing Garage, NE" 1987 at Yvon Lambert New York, NY.

Idris Khan "Untitled No 2," 2010 at Victoria Miro, London, United Kingdom.

Doug Aitken, "The handle comes up, the hammer comes down," 2009 at Victoria Miro, London, United Kingdom.

Philip-Lorca diCorcia "100 Polaroids" at David Zwirner Gallery, New York, NY.

Philip-Lorca diCorcia "100 Polaroids" at David Zwirner Gallery, New York, NY.

Philip-Lorca diCorcia "Cuba," 1999 at David Zwirner Gallery, New York, NY.

Philip-Lorca diCorcia "100 Polaroids" at David Zwirner Gallery, New York, NY.

Music and art interacts at the Armory 2010. Note a great way to get a crowd is to play live music at an art fair.

Tony Matelli, "Sleepwalker," 2008 at Leo Koenig Gallery, New York, NY.

Gottfried Helnwein, "The Murmur of the Innocents 3," 2009 Oil and acrylic on canvas at
Friedman Brendan, New York, NY.

SVA MFA Alum, Yoon, Jeongmee, "Kara-Dayeon and Her Pink Things," on Right, 2007 at Jenkins Johnson Gallery, New York, NY and San Francisco, CA.

Anthony James, Wall Mounted Birch Box, 2009. Birch, aluminum, glass, flourescent lights at Nicholas Robinson Gallery, New York, NY.

Sven Johne "24 Hidden and Abandoned Spaces Beneath the City of New York," 2008 at Klemm’s Gallery, Berlin, Germany.

Adrian Paci, Peter Blum Gallery, New York, NY.

Thomas Ruff, "Mdpn01," 2002 at Lia Rumma, Milan, Italy.

Kader Attia "Poletical," 2009. Light Installation at Galerie Krinzinger, Vienna, Austria.

Darren Almond, Night and Fog (Monchegorsk) (13)," 2007 at White Cube, London, United Kingdom.

Paul Graham, "Untitled (North Dakota (Moonrise at Garage))" from the series “a shimmer of possibility” 2004 at
carlier gebauer, Berlin, Germany.

Paul Graham, "Untitled (North Dakota (Moonrise at Garage))" (detail) from the series “a shimmer of possibility” 2004 at
carlier gebauer, Berlin, Germany.

Drinks flowed in the VIP room at the Armory Show.

Another photographer experimenting with reflections on paintings, Jorma Puranen "Shadows, Reflections and All That Sort of Thing #26" (left) and "Shadows, Reflections and All That Sort of Thing #50" (on the right) both 2009 at Galerie Anhava, Helsinki, Finland.

Patrick Jacobs "Field with Fairy Ring Fungus," 2010 Styerne, Acrylic, Neoprene, Hair, Paper, Polyurethene
Foam, Wood, Steel, ighting, BK7 Glass, 8-inch lens at Pierogi, Brooklyn, NY.

Patrick Jacobs "Field with Fairy Ring Fungus," 2010 Styerne, Acrylic, Neoprene, Hair, Paper, Polyurethene
Foam, Wood, Steel, ighting, BK7 Glass, 8-inch lens at Pierogi, Brooklyn, NY.

Tavares Strachan "Blast Off," 2009 B/W Positive Film on Light Box, (3) Color Photographs, Vitrine (Glass Rocket Fragments) at Pierogi, Brooklyn, NY.

Tavares Strachan "Blast Off," 2009 B/W Positive Film on Light Box, (3) Color Photographs, Vitrine (Glass Rocket Fragments) at Pierogi, Brooklyn, NY.

Paola PIVI, "Untitled," 2009 at Emmanuel Perrotin Gallery, Paris, France.

Marina Abramovic "The Kitchen II," 2009 at Luciana Brito galeria, São Paulo, Brazil.